Fun Craft Cocktails

June 15, 2023

Smoked Old Fashioned

Smoked Old Fashioned drink

The Old-Fashioned Cocktail, also known as the grandfather of all cocktails, dates back to the 1800s and was one of the earliest cocktails in history. Its original ingredients included spirit, bitters, sugar, and water, and was usually made with gin, rum, or brandy. The first time it became known as the Old Fashioned was in Louisville, Kentucky at the Pendennis Club and was said to have been created to honor Colonel James E. Pepper, a well-known bourbon distiller in the area. This version is based on the original recipe but adds in orange and cherry for a delicious twist to a classic cocktail. The cocktail smoker also adds a fun and smoky flavor that you have to experience to appreciate. Enjoy!

Equipment needed:
Cocktail Smoker (I recommend the Smokeshow Cocktail Smoker starter kit) (use the back arrow to get back to my site)
Cherry or Bourbon Barrel Smoke Dust 
Cocktail Shaker
Ice ball mold

Ingredients – Serves 1
2 oz Bourbon (I recommend Makers Mark)
1 tsp sugar
2 drops Angostura aromatic bitters
2 drops Angostura orange bitters
2 Luxardo Maraschino Cherries 
1 orange wedge
1 orange peel
1 tsp water


  1. If using an ice ball mold prepare that the day before. It takes 24 hours to freeze an ice ball.
  2. In a cocktail shaker with no ice, add sugar, bitters, water, an orange wedge, and 1 cherry with 1 tsp of cherry juice from the jar. Muddle all ingredients together thoroughly in the bottom of the shaker.
  3. Add regular ice to the shaker and then the bourbon. Stir together thoroughly to chill.
  4. Add an ice ball (or regular ice) to the rocks glass and strain the mixture from the shaker into the glass.
  5. Using a peeler or knife, cut a 3-inch orange peel leaving a little pith. Express the orange oil over the drink by gently squeezing both ends of the peel with the pith facing you. Rub the peel along the rim of your glass and put it in the drink. Add a cherry.  
  6. Fill the cocktail smoker with 1-2 scoops either Cherry or Bourbon Barrel smoking dust. Place the cocktail smoker over the glass and light the smoking dust with a torch (ignite the torch away from you, then direct it straight down over the smoking dust). Let the cocktail smoke for a minute then remove the smoker. Gently stir the drink again. Cheers!

This recipe is Vegan, Vegetarian, and Gluten Free

Please drink responsibly and please don’t drink and drive.


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