Fun Craft Cocktails

October 25, 2022

Dracula’s Kiss

Dracula’s Kiss is a sexy, fun and easy cocktail to make this Halloween. It’s basically a spiked Cherry Coke made with Cherry Vodka, Grenadine and Coca Cola. It’s refreshing, delicious and the fun part is Dracula’s “kiss” puncture marks (aka cherries). Enjoy!

Ingredients– Serves 1

For Rim

2 tbsp Light Corn Syrup

10 drops Red Food Coloring

For Cocktail

2 oz Cherry Vodka

1/2 oz Grenadine

Coca Cola to top

2 Maraschino Cherries 


  1. On a small plate, add corn syrup and red food coloring. Mix together until blended.
  2. Dip the top of a tall glass in the mixture and turn right side up to allow the syrup to drip down the sides of the glass to create the blood drips.
  3. Fill the glass with ice. Add the vodka first then the Grenadine over ice in glass.
  4. Slowly pour the Coca Cola over the ice. Pouring slowly will create the blood red vampire effect in the bottom of glass. 
  5. You can pour a little bit more grenadine down the side of the glass for a bloodier look.
  6. Add 2 Maraschino cherries on top to represent the vampire “kiss” puncture marks.
  7. Add a straw and serve. Note-this drink is meant to be served unmixed for the bloody vampire effect. You will want to mix it a little with your straw prior to drinking it for best taste. Cheers! 

This recipe is Vegan, Vegetarian and Gluten Free.

Please drink responsibly and please don’t drink and drive.


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