Fun Craft Cocktails

Leilani Volcano

Originally created in the 1970’s for the Walt Disney Polynesian Resort, this delicious cocktail is made with coconut rum, guava nectar, pineapple juice, lime juice and rock candy syrup. If you’ve never made rock candy syrup, it is very easy to do. Here’s some basic info on how to make it plus the difference between the different simple syrups used in cocktails. There are basically 3 types of simple syrups, the first is simple syrup, which is made with equal parts sugar and water (1 cup sugar to 1 cup water or 1:1), rich simple syrup (2 cups sugar to 1 cup water or 2:1) and finally rock candy syrup (3 cups sugar to 1 cup water or 3:1). This cocktail is traditionally garnished with tropical orchids which is very fitting since the name Leilani is Hawaiian for “heavenly garland of flowers” or “Royal Child.” The volcano part basically refers to the vessel it was served in. It was very popular in the 1950’s to serve flaming tiki drinks in large ceramic bowls known as volcano or scorpion bowls with multiple people (2-4) drinking the same drink with long straws. There are several ways to light the volcano, but I prefer using a sugar cube soaked in lemon extract vs pouring 151 proof (ovenproof) rum into the volcano. The 151-proof rum tends to produce a very low blue flame that is very hard to see (and dangerous) while the sugar cube with lemon extract produces a brighter flame. Sprinkle some cinnamon on top and watch the flame dance for a spectacular light show. Enjoy!


  • Cocktail Shaker
  • Jigger
  • Volcano Bowl
  • Lighter
  • Straws


  • 2.5 oz Coconut Rum (I used Malibu)
  • 3 oz Guava Nectar (I used Kerns)
  • 1.5 oz Pineapple Juice (I used Dole, no added sugar)
  • .25 oz Lime Juice (fresh squeezed)
  • .25 oz Rock Candy Syrup (3:1 sugar + water)
  • 1 Sugar Cube
  • Lemon Extract
  • Ground Cinnamon
  • Decorative Orchids for garnish


  1. Start by making the rock candy syrup. In a small saucepan, combine 1 cup of water with 3 cups of sugar. Heat until dissolved, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and let cool. Pour into a large glass container and store in fridge for up to 4 weeks.
  2. In a cocktail shaker with crushed ice, add the coconut rum, guava nectar, pineapple juice, lime juice and rock candy syrup. Shake to combine and pour all ingredients into a volcano bowl or large glass.
  3. Garnish beautifully with decorative orchids. Add 1-2 straws if using volcano bowl.
  4. To light the volcano, soak a sugar cube in lemon extract and place on top of volcano. Light with a long lighter. For extra special effects, sprinkle some cinnamon over the flame. Note: If using a glass, you can still light the cocktail using a spent lime shell with the sugar cube or small piece of bread soaked with the lemon extract inside the lime shell.
  5. Blow out the flame before drinking. Cheers!

For the Mocktail

Use all the ingredients listed except substitute the coconut rum with coconut milk. Cheers!

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